window.$docsify = { plugins: [ function(hook, vm) { hook.init(function() { // Called when the script starts running, only trigger once, no arguments, });
hook.beforeEach(function(content) { // Invoked each time before parsing the Markdown file. // ... return content; });
hook.afterEach(function(html, next) { // Invoked each time after the Markdown file is parsed. // beforeEach and afterEach support asynchronous。 // ... // call `next(html)` when task is done. next(html); });
hook.doneEach(function() { // Invoked each time after the data is fully loaded, no arguments, // ... });
hook.mounted(function() { // Called after initial completion. Only trigger once, no arguments. });
hook.ready(function() { // Called after initial completion, no arguments. }); } ] };